Thursday, November 29, 2012

Work, Work, Work!

So, Justin came home yesterday but he was off again this morning. I should have him back this weekend. The kids are at their dad's until Monday. I didn't have Justin long...we had dinner, examined the Christmas gifts we ordered for people that came this week (and did a lot of laughing), he had to do a business call kinda late so we really just went to bed (wink) after that and then went to sleep.

Waking up this morning was so nice...I love the feel of his body next to mine. We snuggle well...he's my perfect Lego. I felt so content.

While he's away I will be pretty much doing nothing but working. Overtime = Christmas gifts.  I love, love, love giving Christmas presents! I cannot even tell you how excited I am about going to his parents' house for Christmas. It will be so much fun. I depart for Oregon in 22 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes. Justin keeps saying how excited he is about the trip too.

This weekend I am determined to get some projects done! I bought some fabric for less than $12 (yay 50% off!) and used my new staple gun to redo the fabric on the dining chairs. This dining set was given to me and the fabric that was on the chairs was a light color and all kinds of stained. My kids have just made them worse. They gross me I made them better! I have one more chair to's a bit of a pain.  See before and after:

Justin totally amazed me last week. I had said several times I wanted to get a kitty condo for our cat. We had an empty corner in the living room that would be perfect for such a thing and I figured she would like it. I didn't want to spend $100+ on such a thing so Justin designed and constructed one! All it cost was about $35 for the wood. I found a free carpet remnant on Craigslist and we had leftover stain from a previous project.

Here is the constructed condo before carpeting and staining:

Here's the kitty in the box!

Here's Justin adding the carpeting (after staining):

And the finished product:

He amazes me constantly.  I love him!!

This weekend I have some PJs to make...for me, Gavin and for a friend for Christmas.  I am tempted to make another handbag as a's been years since I made one so I don't know if I can still do it.

Ah, I miss him already.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Love love love

Today I emailed Justin the lyrics to Sarah McLachlan's Answer because it came up on Pandora and the lyrics made me think of him. He replied, "You are the cutest and most beautiful thing I have ever met!!!.... I'm convinced you are the best person in the world!"

I love him so much.

So excited about Christmas!  Less than 3.5 weeks until I go to Oregon. It will be a short but awesome trip.

He is away right now but I get him back tomorrow for about 12 hours...and then he comes back again this weekend. I miss him so when he's away.

Friday, November 23, 2012

So Thankful

Yesterday, Justin and I had our 2nd Thanksgiving together. Last year we cooked so much food and way too much turkey! And last year we had the kids and a friend of mine over and we all stuffed our bellies...and still had a ton of leftovers.

This year the kids spent the day with their dad and we spent the day with just each other. It was a really awesome day. We woke up and we both went for a run (we are officially in training for the Vienna half marathon in April!). Then we Skyped with his sister in Vienna...that was a treat. She showed us around their new house and we got to see the kiddos. Vinny sang us songs in multiple languages and read us a book. Elsie just smiled and stuck her tongue out at us. They are growing soooo fast! Vinny has so much hair now and Elsie is getting bigger every minute.

I remember how exhausting it was having two littles to care for...I can see she is feeling blessed but also very tired and mentally exhausted. I really can't wait to get there so I can give her some help and time off...I want to make sure they get a date night. Heck maybe we'll send her to a spa again like we did for her birthday this year. She needs it! I love those little kiddos so I am really looking forward to hanging out with them.  After we Skyped with Mollie we got ready to go see a movie. We saw Argo, per his mother's recommendation, and it was very good. We both enjoyed it. Then we got home and we got to cooking! This year he made Cornish game hens...yum. I made dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and dumplings (that didn't quite turn out...). We also had some wine, sparkling apple cider and steamed broccolini with aged cheddar. He had pumpkin pie after but I was too stuffed. We even gave the pug a plate of chicken and stuffing...she loved it.  The rest of the night we watched movies and cuddled while we digested our food. We went to bed fairly early.

I just feel so grateful and thankful to the universe. A lot of people are constantly searching for the love of their life...some never find it. Some settle for less (like I did the first time). But he and I found each other...we have only known each other 672 days but we both agree they are the best days we have had and it just keeps getting better. He tells me how much he loves me every day and it's such a good feeling...yesterday he told me I was the most interesting, most beautiful, most hilarious, most intelligent, most amazing girl he has ever been with and that he is very content and happy with life in a way he has never known before. I love how much he loves me. he knows all of my flaws and he still loves me and wants to spend his life with me. I feel the same...he is not perfect but he's my soul mate (if such a thing existed).

He's almost been home 3 weeks but soon he will be off again for work assignments...but that's okay. I've filled my Justin tank and I can handle it. I am really looking forward to Christmas with him in Oregon.  I hope it snows but I think it will only rain.

I love you so much, Justin. You make life so wonderful.

Monday, November 5, 2012

73 Days

On Saturday I had to say goodbye to my baby Finn. I found him near the end of August. He almost got hit by the car in front of me so I jumped out of my car and coaxed him over to me. He was skinny, covered in fleas and shivering. I took him home and cleaned him up. I tried to find his owners but nobody claimed him. We got him neutered, vaccinated and microchipped and started potty training him. He was so smart Justin was able to teach him a ton of tricks. I knew I couldn't keep him but I wasn't trying very hard to find him a home. I loved him.

But the time came when I accepted he couldn't stay and I was responsible for finding him the perfect home.

On Saturday I finally found the perfect home and I released him to them. Handing over his leash was one of the top 10 worst moments of my life. I've been crying for days but I talked to his new owner this morning and they love him so much already. He is doing really well. She says it's clear Justin and I took amazing care of him. And he is potty trained for accidents. He just goes to the door and barks once to say "I need to go!"

I was so sad Saturday night and all day yesterday but Justin surprised me by coming home 4 days early yesterday. I got home from running errands and he was there. I didn't even turn the car off...I just ran and jumped on him. He has a cold but I will get him healthy again. I got him some sick supplies this morning (soup, Dayquil, Halls, etc) so I hope he gets better soon. He makes me feel so much better just by being home.

I really miss that puppy but I feel good knowing we saved a life and found him a perfect home.

We had him for 73 days. I'll miss you, Finny.